
"mfrs will call themselves" is a memetic format, which is good for engagement and reach as well as getting your point across to an audience that might be unfamiliar. its a cool type of context clue! In this post we're going to learn how to harness the copypasta and train your inner copywriter to cook up some topical churn! [end preface]

[begin meat and potatoes] What you want to do is form a repo and train the part of your brain that can plug in the concepts - similar to how in math we plug in the numbers. You can do this in a number of ways. Today we will discuss THE REPONING - or, building a repo of such concepts and execution.

[begin techincal how to] Yeah, you're going to want a spreadsheet or a table. The first column should be dedicated to memetic formats. Put in as many as you know - and any you come across that are not.

If you haven't figured out that the subsequent columns are all going to be dedicated to a subject, and all the rows your own crafted example of the copypasta as a topical post, well... welcome to the point!

Did i edit this? No. Do i have instructional short form articles as a memetic copypasta i can plug and play anything into? yes.

another game to play with yourself is SAY IT DIFFERENT - where you write something, but then write it again saying the same thing but use different words. Say it different. Learning how to say the same thing many different ways can help you reinforce your own understanding and ensure you can replicate the concept into the mind of another.